researcher, teacher & cultural producer.
Arts. Preservation.
Media Archaeology.
Storytelling. memories.
Oblivion. Digital Heritage.

Vanina Hofman, PhD (Buenos Aires, 1978). I work and live in Barcelona. I am Lecturer at the History and Art History Department of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and from 2023 Director of the Aula de Cinema (Films & Audiovisual Arts Hub). I develop my work in a hybrid territory between academic research and cultural production. My field of research lies in the intersections among Art, Science, Technology & Society. I am particularly interested in the processes involved in the construction of memory in contemporary culture, the archiving of media arts, the unconventional arts histories and the digital heritage. I've recently published the book Divergent Practices of Media Arts Preservation. Remembering and Forgetting in the Digital Culture based on previous fieldwork conducted in Argentina. I am part of the interdisciplinary Research Group MIRMED-GIAC (URV, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica).
Aula de Cinema i Arts Audiovisuals URV (@aulacinemaurv)
Laboratorio de HD y gemelos digitales

Research interests
After many years of being involved with media arts preservation, now I am moving slowly to the wider field of digital heritage. My current research seeks to address creative uses of photogrammetry and other virtualization approaches in order to reflect on the following questions:
How might digitalization open paths to rethink the very notion of heritage and the stakeholders involved in its caring?
Which practices of digital storytelling can be developed in order to encourage and at the same time preserve a polysemic approach to heritage?
>>>>>>> Teaching
Actual undergraduate courses: Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage; Photographic and Audiovisual Heritage; Photography and Film Archives Interdisciplinary Workshop; Museology.
Postgraduate courses: Digital Humanities and Humanistic Sciences.
Accredited as Lecturer by AQU (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari a Catalunya) and ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación).